Justin Nasseri

Ross Nasseri - Canada


123 John Street
Toronto, ON, M5V 2E2

+1 416 613 7897

40 & Under List

Litigation Star

Justin Nasseri is an experienced trial and appeal lawyer and a co-founder of Ross Nasseri LLP. He has a significant track record of success in complex commercial, regulatory, and professional liability matters. He is also a go-to litigator for civil or regulatory proceedings where there is a parallel criminal law component. Clients trust Justin’s advice because of his breadth of experience and battle-tested instincts and judgment. He has appeared as counsel before all levels of court in Ontario, numerous arbitral panels, and administrative tribunals including the Financial Services Tribunal, the Health Professions Appeal and Review Board, and the Discipline Committees of several Ontario health colleges.

Justin’s wins include resisting an urgent Norwich motion for which he secured substantial indemnity costs in favour of his client, and resisted a leave to appeal motion at the Divi-sional Court, overturning an unprecedented $9M judgment as a sanction for contempt at the Court of Appeal for Ontario, winning a significant commercial property trial over the sale of a religious institution, resisting the appeal of a jury verdict in a significant medical malpractice case, and successfully representing PEN Canada in a constitutional challenge to an overly broad ‘false statements’ prohibition in Canada’s federal election legislation.

Justin is also widely published on litigation topics including contract law, civil and criminal procedure, and injunctive relief. He is frequently asked to speak at and write for legal education conferences hosted by the Law Society of Ontario, the Ontario Bar Association, and the Advocates’ Society.

Notable Cases:

  • Law Society of Ontario v. Kazembe, 2024 ONLSTH 10; successfully defended a lawyer on several allegations of harassment and discriminatory conduct

  • Bayliss v. Burnham, 2023 ONSC 7161 – counsel on two successful motions to (i) compel third party productions from a major tobacco company, (ii) obtain leave to examine two non-parties for discovery in the context of a large, complex case on the Toronto Estates List

  • Ontario (College of Massage Therapists of Ontario) v. Registrant R, 2023 ONCMTO 32; successfully defended a massage therapist against sexual abuse allegations

  • Jacobs et al. v. McGee, 2023 ONSC 2765, 2023 ONSC 3427, 2023 ONSC 4394 (Div Ct); successfully resisted an urgent Norwich order, obtained a costs order in favour of client on a substantial indemnity basis, and defeated the leave to appeal application from the motion decision at Divisional Court

  • Thrive Capital Management Ltd. v. Noble 1324, 2021 ONCA 722; retained as appellate counsel; successful in overturning a decision from the Commercial List to grant final judgment of $9M as sanction for contempt of court fraudulent real estate scheme

Updated April 2024