Borden Ladner Gervais



Dispute resolution

The Montréal office of Borden Ladner Gervais is identified by peers as “one of the strongest of a national firm in this city in what they do.” The “what they do” particularly references class actions, construction and insurance, all areas in which this office is said to have excelled. “BLG just has the sheer strength in numbers,” observes one Montréal peer. “They just have so many litigators that they can take on anything. Karine Chenevert just got her Ad. E [lawyer emeritus of the Québec bar] two weeks ago [in October 2023]. She’s a young class action practitioner, she and [fellow class-action practitioner] Anne Merminod are a formidable duo.” Another concurs, “BLG has done exceptionally well in class actions, with a new generation of people. Karine Chenevert and Anne Merminod are now lead counsel on these class actions. Anne is working on cases concerning opioids, and we also see Stephane Pitre working with Anne a lot.” Still another insists, “I have a case against Anne right now, so we’re fighting all the time, but I recognize talent when I see it.” Beyond these primary practice calling cards, Borden Ladner demonstrates strength in other areas. All-purpose trial lawyer Mathieu Piché-Messier continues to be a perennial favorite among peers. A noted “fixer” and 2018 entrant into the American College of Trial Lawyers, Piché-Messier’s litigation palette covers a broad spectrum, with many of his most recent high-profile cases touching on “extraordinary remedies,” which have gained media interest. “Mathieu is still ‘the man’ over there,” asserts one peer, “which is extraordinary, as he’s still quite young! He can do it all, but especially injunctions, he’s the ‘the guy.’” The Montréal office also demonstrates talent development at an even younger scale. One peer testifies, “I’m having cases against all lawyers of BLG, and I would refer you specifically to Hugo Saint Laurent. He was recently called to partner, and I think he deserves it. We’re involved in a case concerning the Montreal transit, related to a major project at the Societe Transport of Montreal involving the integration of a talent-management software. Hugo represents Bell Canada in this, and I think he’s doing a great job and is on the right path to victory.”